Browse architects and firms beginning with the letter "Y"
This page is a contribution to the publication, Place Makers of Nebraska: The Architects. See the format and contents page for more information on the compilation and page organization.
Note that links in boldface type represent architect and firm pages that are either more complete or are particularly well-developed. Links that are in red font are not live and represent pages that are still in queue. These pages may also have been deferred for lack of information or because the practitioner has more recently entered the scene. This index nonetheless provides a comprehensive list of those who practiced in Nebraska from 1854-2000. Files are kept for each.
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Yanish, Wenzel J., Architect; SEE Wenzel Joseph Janisch (1861-1916), Architect, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1889
Yarwood, Robert Emery, Architect; SEE Robert Emery Yarwood, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1948-1997-
Yates, Robert, Architect; SEE Robert Yates, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1883-1888
Yockel, Frederick R., Architect, Builder, Building Engineer; SEE Frederick Richard Yockel (1888-1943), Architect, Builder, Building Engineer, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1917-1924
York Construction Co., Architects, York, Nebraska, 1913-1915
York, Lowell F., Architect; SEE Lowell F. York (1942-1990), Architect, Grand Island, Nebraska, 1976-1990
Young, Ronald C., Architect; SEE Ronald Carson Young, Architect, North Platte, Nebraska, 1974-
Young, Thomas L., Architect; SEE Thomas L. Young, Architect, Lincoln, Nebraska, 2000-2008
Youngscap, Richard L., Architect; SEE Richard L. Youngscap, Architect, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1966-2000
Younkin, William Le Fevre, Architect; SEE William Le Fevre Younkin (1885-1946), Architect, New York, New York, 1915-1917, 1919-1922; Tucson, Arizona, 1917-1919; Lincoln, Nebraska, 1922-1946
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