NRHP: First United Presbyterian Church of Auburn
[hide]First United Presbyterian Church of Auburn
NRHP Reference #: 82003199
NRHP Listing Date: 19820715
1322 19th, Auburn, Nemaha County, Nebraska
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Synodical missionary George L. Little organized the First United Presbyterian Church of Auburn in 1887 as the Calvert Presbyterian Church. The present church building was constructed in 1906-7 in the Late Gothic Revival style. The interior exhibits the "Akron plan," which originated in the 1860s and is characterized by an arrangement in which instructional rooms are adjacent to the auditorium and separated by a folding partition that can be opened for additional seating during services.
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About the National Register of Historic Places
The National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) is the country’s official list of historically significant properties. To be eligible for the NRHP a property must generally retain their historic appearance, be at least 50 years old, and have the potential to be documented as historically or architecturally significant at either the local, state, or national level. The National Register of Historic Places is a National Park Service program administered by the Nebraska State Historical Society for the state of Nebraska. Visit the Nebraska State Historical Society's website to learn more about the program.