Leonard F. Sloan, (ca. 1910-1994) Architect

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Omaha, Nebraska, 1929-1976

Leonard F. Sloan was born around 1910. He worked as an architect, spending most of his career under the employment of Ceco Steel Products Corporation. His wife’s name was Esther, and the two had a daughter together. Sloan died in 1994, in Omaha.[2]

This page is a contribution to the publication, Place Makers of Nebraska: The Architects. See the format and contents page for more information on the compilation and page organization.

Compiled Nebraska Directory Listings

Omaha, Nebraska, 1933-1935, 1974-1976

Educational & Professional Associations

1929: clerk, Omaha Loan & Building Assc, Omaha, Nebraska.[b]

No 1930 directory.

1931-1935: architect, Omaha, Nebraska.

No 1936 directory.

1937-1939: draftsman, Concrete Engineering Company, Omaha, Nebraska.

1940-1942: architect, Ceco Steel Products Corp., Omaha, Nebraska.

No 1943-1944 directories.

1945: engineer, GLM-NCO, Omaha, Nebraska.

1946-1962: senior draftsman, Ceco Steel Products Corp., Omaha, Nebraska.

1963-1964: draftsman, Ceco Steel Products Corp., Omaha, Nebraska.

1965: employee, Ceco Steel Products Corp., Omaha, Nebraska.

1966-1974: draftsman, Ceco Steel Corp., Omaha, Nebraska.

1975-1977: retired, Omaha, Nebraska.

Buildings & Projects

House (1933), 684 N. 59th St., Omaha, Nebraska.[1] (DO09:0438-126)

Building (1939), 5158 Lake Street, Omaha, Nebraska.[1][a]


a. Listed in Omaha Architects Database under L. Sloan.

b. First Omaha directory listing, 1929.


1.City of Omaha Planning Department, Landmarks Heritage Preservation Commission, Database, Query on Architects, May 20, 2002; courtesy of Lynn Meyer, Preservation Planner.

2. “Sloan-Leonard F.,” Omaha World-Herald (March 18, 1994), 14:4.

Page Citation

D. Murphy, “Leonard F. Sloan, (ca. 1910-1994) Architect,” in David Murphy, Edward F. Zimmer, and Lynn Meyer, comps. Place Makers of Nebraska: The Architects. Lincoln: Nebraska State Historical Society, March 17, 2015. http://www.e-nebraskahistory.org/index.php?title=Place_Makers_of_Nebraska:_The_Architects Accessed, March 6, 2025.

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