NRHP: Gold Coast Historic District

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Gold Coast Historic District

Gold Coast Historic District

NRHP Reference #: 97000237

NRHP Listing Date: 19970314


bounded by Jones, Burt, 36th & 40th, Omaha, Douglas County, Nebraska

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The Gold Coast Historic District covers approximately a thirty-block area roughly east to west, 36th to 40th Streets, and north to south, Jones to Burt Streets. This area consists of large mansions and single-family houses of the middle, upper middle, and upper class citizens of Omaha during the district's period of significance, 1880 to 1946. The district also contains some significant multiple-family structures. The district physically demonstrates demographic changes in the area as the economy of Omaha changed and as the city began its suburban movement into West Omaha. The district contains two distinct areas-the Blackstone (originally the West Farnam) and the Cathedral neighborhoods. These two areas evolved around the same time and can both be categorized as the Gold Coast, an area that housed the upper classes of Omaha. Some of the land originally consisted of large mansions situated on oversized lots. Eventually, these large plots of land were further subdivided to create smaller lots with smaller houses. The district also contains a variety of architectural styles and housing types.

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About the National Register of Historic Places

The National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) is the country’s official list of historically significant properties. To be eligible for the NRHP a property must generally retain their historic appearance, be at least 50 years old, and have the potential to be documented as historically or architecturally significant at either the local, state, or national level. The National Register of Historic Places is a National Park Service program administered by the Nebraska State Historical Society for the state of Nebraska. Visit the Nebraska State Historical Society's website to learn more about the program.