NRHP: First Commercial Bank

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First Commercial Bank (Old West Trails Center)

First Commercial Bank (Old West Trails Center)

NRHP Reference #: 07001190

NRHP Listing Date: 20071115


301 Main, Odell, Gage County, Nebraska

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Located in Odell, the First Commercial Bank was built in 1885 of coursed ashlar, and locally quarried limestone. A cornice of pressed metal crowns the top of the one-story building. The First Commercial Bank building is significant under Criterion A for activities important to the community's commerce and economy during Odell's earliest period of settlement, growth, and development. Under Criterion B, the property is significant for its association with James D. Myers, who was instrumental in the founding of the village of Odell. Through his banking business he contributed to the town's development during its first decade of the 1880s, the period of its greatest building and growth.

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About the National Register of Historic Places

The National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) is the country’s official list of historically significant properties. To be eligible for the NRHP a property must generally retain their historic appearance, be at least 50 years old, and have the potential to be documented as historically or architecturally significant at either the local, state, or national level. The National Register of Historic Places is a National Park Service program administered by the Nebraska State Historical Society for the state of Nebraska. Visit the Nebraska State Historical Society's website to learn more about the program.