Frank J. Latenser (1890-1973), Architect

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Omaha, Nebraska, 1913-1973

Frank J. Latenser was born in Omaha, Nebraska on June 20, 1890 to John and Anna Latenser. He was educated at Omaha Central High School, and graduated from the prestigious Columbia University in 1913, at about age 22. From 1913-1915, Latenser was an architect for offices on the east coast, then joined his father’s firm, John Latenser & Sons, in Omaha. Latenser served in World War I from 1917-1919 as Chief Hull Inspector for the U.S. Shipping Board in Philadelphia and Washington, D.C.[3][6][7]

Latenser played an active role in his community and the architectural community, holding membership in societies such as the American Institute of Architects, the Nebraska Engineering Society, Omaha Engineers Club, and the “C of C.”[3] Additionally, Latenser was a Life Member of the Nebraska Engineers Society, President of the Nebraska Historical Society in 1961, and President of the AIA Nebraska Architects Association in 1955. Latenser died January 23, 1973, survived by his wife, Alma Seymour Latenser, whom he married in December of 1920, and his sons: James S., of Spokane, Washington; Frank N., of Omaha, Nebraska; eight grandchildren; and his brother, John Jr., of Omaha, Nebraska.[2][6][7][8][9]

This page is a contribution to the publication, Place Makers of Nebraska: The Architects. See the format and contents page for more information on the compilation and page organization.

Compiled Nebraska Directory Listings

Omaha, Nebraska, 1913, 1938-1971

Educational & Professional Associations

1904-1908: Central High School, Omaha, Nebraska.[9]

1909-1914: Columbia University School of Architecture, New York, New York.[9]

1912-1914: member Atelier Hastings, New York.[9]

1913: student, Columbia University.[1]

1913-1914: architect and principal, John L. Latenser, Omaha.

1915-1920: architect and partner, John Latenser & Sons, Omaha, Nebraska.[9]

1920: Registered Professional Architect, Iowa, #169.[9]

1921-1937: architect, vice president & secretary, John Latenser & Sons, Omaha, Nebraska.

1938: Registered Professional Architect, Nebraska, March 1, 1938, A-50.[9]

1938-1963: architect and secretary-treasurer, John Latenser & Sons, Omaha, Nebraska.

1955-1956: president, AIA Nebraska.[11]

1959-1964: architect member State Board of Examiners for Engineers and Architects.

1964-1966: architect and president, John Latenser & Sons, Omaha, Nebraska.

1967-1973: architect, John Latenser & Sons, Omaha, Nebraska.

1971: retired, Omaha, Nebraska.

Genealogy of John Latenser's Sons

1. John L. Latenser (1858-1936), Architect (Latenser, and Latenser & Sons)

2. John Latenser Jr. (1888-1978), Architect and Engineer (Latenser & Sons)
3. John F. Latenser, MD
3. William B. Latenser, Architect (Latenser & Sons, and Latenser & Assoc)
4. William B. Latenser, Jr., Architect
4. Robert L. Latenser
4. Paul M. Latenser, Architect
2. Frank J. Latenser (1890-1973), Architect (Latenser & Sons)
3. James Seymour, Engineer (Latenser & Sons, and later of Spokane)
3. Frank Nestor “Nes” Latenser, Engineer (Latenser & Sons)
2. George Latenser

Buildings & Projects


Elgin State Bank (1909), Southeast Corner 2nd & Pine, Elgin, Nebraska. (AP03-046)

First National Bank of Elgin (1910), Northeast Corner 2nd & Pine, Elgin, Nebraska (AP03-047)

Frank Latenser house (ca. 1930-1931), 4014 N Post Road, Omaha, Nebraska. (DO09:0381-001)

Federal Reserve (1955), Omaha Branch Bank, Omaha, Nebraska.[6][7]

International Paper Company, Warehouse (1958), Omaha, Nebraska.[6]

North. Natural Gas Company, Home Office (1958), Omaha, Nebraska[6][7]

Omaha University Applied Arts Building (1959), Omaha, Nebraska.[6]

University of Nebraska, College of Medicine (1960), Omaha, Nebraska.[6]

Children’s Hospital (1960), Omaha, Nebraska[6][7]

Douglas County Hospital (1966), Omaha, Nebraska[7]

University of Nebraska Science Building (1969), Omaha, Nebraska.[7]


University of Nebraska, Office of Administration (n.d.), Omaha, Nebraska.[2]

Omaha National Bank Satellite Facility aka “Cupcake Bank” or “Flying Saucer Bank” (n.d.), 1818 Dodge, NE corner 19th & Dodge, Omaha, Nebraska.[10]


a. Registered Professional Architect, Nebraska, A-50.[4]

b. Last registered 1973.[9]


1. “Tuesday Rite Is Scheduled For Architect,” Omaha (Evening) World Herald (January 22, 1973), 30:8.

2. “F. Latenser Dies in Omaha; Rites Tuesday,” Lincoln Journal (January 23, 1973), 13:5.

3. “Frank J. Latenser,” Who’s Who in Nebraska (Lincoln: Nebraska Press Association, 1940), 353.

4. “Searchable Roster of Licensees: Former Licensees,” Nebraska Board of Engineers and Architects, CD, 2003.

5. AIA Historical Directory of American Architects: A Resource Guide to Finding Information About Past Architects. [accessed 20100525]

6. American Institute of Architects, comp., American Architects Directory Second Ed. (New York: R. R. Bowker Co., 1962), 407, accessed April 4, 2010,

7. American Institute of Architects, comp., American Architects Directory Third Ed. (New York: R. R. Bowker Co., 1970), 526, accessed April 4, 2010,

8. “Latenser,” Omaha World Herald (January 23, 1973), 32:1.

9. Application for Registration to Practice Professional Engineering and Architecture, Nebraska State Board of Examiners for Professional Engineers and Architects, December 31, 1937. Nebraska State Historical Society RG081 SG2.

10. Omaha World Herald (September 25, 1968), 73.

Page Citation

D. Murphy, “Frank J. Latenser (1890-1973), Architect,” in David Murphy, Edward F. Zimmer, and Lynn Meyer, comps. Place Makers of Nebraska: The Architects. Lincoln: Nebraska State Historical Society, March 19, 2015. Accessed, March 10, 2025.

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