Browse architects and firms beginning with the letter "K"
This page is a contribution to the publication, Place Makers of Nebraska: The Architects. See the format and contents page for more information on the compilation and page organization.
Note that links in boldface type represent architect and firm pages that are either more complete or are particularly well-developed. Links that are in red font are not live and represent pages that are still in queue. These pages may also have been deferred for lack of information or because the practitioner has more recently entered the scene. This index nonetheless provides a comprehensive list of those who practiced in Nebraska from 1854-2000. Files are kept for each.
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Kahn, Albert, Architect; SEE Albert Kahn (1869-1942), Architect, Detroit, Michigan; and Omaha, Nebraska, 1904-1922
Kalamaja, Theodore J., Architect; SEE Theodore J. Kalamaja (1907-1989), Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1937-1973
Kalvelage, Frederick H., Jr., Architect; SEE Frederick Henry Kalvelage, Jr., Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1974-1976
Kammerer, Daniel J., Architect; SEE Daniel J. Kammerer, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1983-2000
Kammerer, Francis X., Architect; SEE Francis X. Kammerer (1929-1988), Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1959-1976
Kasik, Frantisek, Mason; SEE Frantisek Kasik, Mason, Nimberk, Nebraska, 1892
Kasl, Julie D., Architect; SEE Julie D. Kasl, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1999-2000
Kaspar, J. J., Architect; SEE J. J. Kaspar, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1909-1915
Kaspar, Thomas Lee, Architect; SEE Thomas Lee Kaspar (1951-2017), Architect, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1985-2011
Kasserman, S. D., Carpenter, Joiner, and Architect; SEE S. D. Kasserman, Carpenter, Joiner, and Architect, Florence, Nebraska
Kastrup Gary L., Sr., Architect; SEE Gary L. Kasterup, Sr., Architect, Lincoln, 1968; and Omaha, Nebraska, 1957-2000
Kauhn, J. J., Architect; SEE J. J. Kauhn, Architect, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1886-1887
Kaul, C.F., Architect; SEE Charles F. Kaul (1847-____), Architect
Keeler, Warren, & Associates, Architects; SEE Warren Keeler & Associates, Architects, Sarpy County, Nebraska, 1971-1975
Keeler, Warren Watson, Architect; SEE Warren Watson Keeler (1923-____), Architect, Omaha, 1963-1968; and Bellevue, Nebraska, 1955-1988
Keiter, Daniel C., Architect; SEE Daniel C. Keiter, Architect, Columbus, Nebraska, -2000
Kejch, Josef, Architect-Builder; SEE Josef Kejch, Architect-Builder, Clarkson, Nebraska, 1894
Keller, Bruce A., Architect; SEE Bruce A. Keller, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1979-2000
Kelley, Robert R., Architect; SEE Robert R. Kelley, Architect, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1968-2000
Kelly, Kim M., Architect; SEE Kim M. Kelly, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1977-2000
Kelly, Paul J., Architect; SEE Paul J. Kelly, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1985-2000
Kelly, S. D., Architect; SEE S. D. Kelly, Architect, Grand Island, Nebraska, 1910-1911
Kelsey, Albert; SEE Albert Kelsey (1870-1950), Architect
Kemper, Charles E.; SEE Charles E. Kemper (1859-1942), Acting Supervising Architect, Washington, D.C., 1893-1911
Kennedy, Michael J., Architect; SEE Michael J. Kennedy, Architect, Grand Island, Nebraska, 1981-1988
Kenney, Simmons & Burrell, Architects, Omaha, Nebraska, 1887
Kensinger, Ed, Architect; SEE Ed Kensinger, Architect, Grand Island, Nebraska, 1929-1937
Keogh, Thomas R., Architect; SEE Thomas Rogers Keogh, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1956-1976; and Lincoln, -2000
Kernan, William V., Architect; SEE William V. Kernan (1890-1963), Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1908-1910, 1913-1923; Los Angeles, California, 1924-ca. 1955
Kholousi, Farzan, Architect; SEE Farzan Kholousi, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1995-2000
Kiel, Cheryl L., Architect; SEE Cheryl L. Kiel, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, -2000
Kiewit, John, Architect; SEE John Kiewit (1866-1952), Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1896-1925
Kiewit, John, Jr., Architect; SEE John Kiewit, Jr. (ca. 1899-____), Architect, South Omaha, Nebraska, 1902-1915
Killian, George E., Architect; SEE George E. Killian, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1982-2000
Kimball, George W., Architect; SEE George William Kimball (1890-1958), Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1974-1976
Kimball, Thomas Rogers, Architect; SEE Thomas Rogers Kimball (1862-1934), Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1900-1929
Kimball, Steele & Sandham, Architects, Omaha, Nebraska, 1928-1945
Kimmons, Paul R., Architect; SEE Paul R. Kimmons, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1966-2000
King, Orlando J., Architect; SEE Orlando J. King (1841-____), Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1888-1892
Kinsman, S. R., Architect; SEE S. R. Kinsman, Architect, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1885
Kirchhoff, C., Architect; SEE Chas Kirchhoff, Jr. (1856-____), Architect
Kirchner, Raymond F., Architect; SEE Raymond F. Kirchner, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1951-1976
Kirchner, Scott C., Architect; SEE Scott C. Kirchner, Omaha, Nebraska, -2000
Kirk, Wayne A., Architect; SEE Wayne A. Kirk, Architect, Lincoln, Nebraska, -2000
Kirkendall, Robert J., Architect; SEE Robert James Kirkendall, Architect, Kearney, 1965, 1975; Grand Island, 1968; and Omaha, Nebraska, 1971-1974
Kirkham, Michael & Associates, Architects, Omaha, Nebraska, 1963-1976
Kirschke & Baker, Architects, Grand Island, Nebraska, 1924-1925
Kirschke & Crocker, Architects, Grand Island, Nebraska, 1921-1922
Kirschke, Oscar R., Architect; SEE Oscar Reinholdt Kirschke (1879-1962), Architect, Grand Island, Nebraska, 1906-1937
Kirschke, Otto, Architect; SEE Reinholdt Otto Kirschke (1850-1937), Contractor & Builder, Grand Island, Nebraska, 1903-1918
Kirschke, Reinholdt Otto, Contractor & Builder; SEE Reinholdt Otto Kirschke (1850-1937), Contractor & Builder, Grand Island, Nebraska 1903-1918
Kirschner, C. F., Architect; SEE Cyril Farnham Kirschner, Architect, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1943-1944
Kissler, Bradley C., Architect; SEE Bradley C. Kissler, Architect, Grand Island, Nebraska, 1989-2000
Kitzmiller, S., Architect; SEE S. Kitzmiller, Architect, Grand Island, Nebraska, 1982-1985
Kivett, Clarence, Architect; SEE Clarence Kivett (1905-1996), Architect, Kansas City, Missouri
Kivett & Meyers, Architects, SEE Clarence Kivett (1905-1996), Architect, Kansas City, Kansas
Klawon, Dennis A., Architect; SEE Dennis A. Klawon, Architect, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1972-2000
Klein, Gerold Dale, Architect; SEE Gerold Dale Klein, Architect, Lincoln, 1967; and Omaha, Nebraska, 1968-2000
Klein, Steven L., Architect; SEE Steven L. Klein, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1982-2000
Klingerman, C., Architect; SEE C. Klingerman, Architect, Edgar, Nebraska, 1886-1887
Klone, A. Daryl, Architect; SEE A. Daryl Klone, Architect, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1970-1983
Knutson, Stuart P., Architect; SEE Stuart P. Knutson (1916-1986), Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1934-1964
Knutson-Smith, Angela C., Architect; SEE Angela C. Knutson-Smith, Architect, Bennington, Nebraska, 2000
Koch, Herman, Architect; SEE Herman A. Koch (1857-____), Architect, Millard, Nebraska, 1913-1917
Koch, Homer, Builder; SEE Homer Koch (1890-1973), Builder, Arnold, Nebraska, 1908-1970
Korff, Donald Henry, Architect; SEE Donald Henry Korff (1925-2009), Architect, Hebron, 1955; and Omaha, Nebraska, 1956-2000
Koski, Jeffrey A., Architect; SEE Jeffrey A. Koski, Architect, Lincoln, Nebraska, -2000+
Kostos, Nick, Architect; SEE Nick Kostos (_____-2005), Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1946-1976; and Blair, Nebraska, -2000
Kotlik, Jerry H., Architect; SEE Jerry H. Kotlik, Architect, Bellevue, Nebraska, 1983-2000
Kouhn, John J., Architect; SEE John J. Kouhn (1854-1917), Architect, Plattsmouth, York, and Lincoln, Nebraska; and Chicago and New York City
Kouhn, John J., Architect; SEE John J. Kouhn (1854-1917), Architect & Engineer, Plattsmouth, York, and Lincoln, Nebraska; and Chicago and New York City
Kovarik, Vaclav, Carpenter; SEE Vaclav Kovarik, Carpenter, Weston, Nebraska, 1893
Koza, Robert E., Architect; SEE Robert E. Koza, Architect, Lincoln, Nebraska, -2000
Krajewski, I. C. Architect; SEE I. C. Krajewski, Architect, Dubuque, Iowa
Krausch, W. T., Architect; SEE Walter Theodore Krausch (1867-1930), Architect & Engineer, Chicago, Illinois, 1890s-1930
Kraykiewicz, Paul, Architect; SEE Paul Kraykiewicz, Architect, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1967
Krejci, Lori M., Architect; SEE Lori M. Krejci, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1985-2000
Krelle, F. W., Architect; SEE F. William Krelle (1876-1927), Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1896-1918
Kreski, Joseph F., Architect; SEE Joseph F. Kreski, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1979-2000
Krhounek, Roger K., Architect; SEE Roger K. Krhounek, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1961-1968, -2000
Krieger, Henry, Architect; SEE Henry Krieger, Architect, Grand Island, Nebraska, 1936-1941
Krieger, James A., Architect; SEE James A. Krieger, Architect, Lincoln, Nebraska, -2000
Kriz, Edwin J., Architect; SEE Edwin J. Kriz (1898-1981), Architect, Lincoln, Omaha, Scottsbluff-Gering, Fremont, and Grand Island, Nebraska
Kros, Michael J., Architect; SEE Michael J. Kros, Architect, Bellevue, Nebraska, -2000
Krug, Nathan S., Architect; SEE Nathan S. Krug, Architect, Lincoln, Nebraska, -2003
Krupa, Robert R., Architect; SEE Robert R. Krupa, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1989-2000
Kruse, _____, see Brooks & Kruse, Omaha, Nebraska
Kruse, John R., Builder & Architect; SEE John R. Kruse (1860-1944), Builder & Architect, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1916-1920
Kubat, Jan, Architect; SEE Jan Kubat, Carpenter, Crete, Nebraska, 1891
Kubista, Josef, Carpenter; SEE Josef Kubista, Carpenter, Weston, Nebraska, 1893
Kucireck, Emil J., Jr., Architect; SEE Emil J. Kucirek, Jr., Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1965-1976
Kucks, James D., Architect; SEE James D. Kucks, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1968-2000
Kuhlman, Lizabeth A., Architect; SEE Lizabeth A. Kuhlman, Architect, Lincoln, Nebraska, -2000
Kuhlman, Timothy D., Architect; SEE Timothy D. Kuhlman, Architect, Lincoln, Nebraska, -2000
Kunkle, Laura L., Architect; SEE Laura L. Kunkle, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, -2000
Kunz, Frederick O., Architect; SEE Frederick Otto Kunz, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1887-1913
Kurmel, Daniel G., Architect; SEE Daniel G. Kurmel, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1980-2000
Kusek, Richard J., Architect; SEE Richard Joseph Kusek, Architect, Columbus, Nebraska, 1959
Kuska, George, Architect; SEE George Kuska (1921-2003), Architect, Lincoln, Nebraska, 1948; Salinas, California, 1950-2000s
Kuzelka, Steven J., Architect; SEE Steven J. Kuzelka, Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, -2000
Kvenild, Birger J, Architect; SEE Birger J. Kvenild (1879-1953), Architect, Omaha, Nebraska, 1916-1953
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